International discussion platform Finance and Accounting 4.0: Innovations and Global Cooperation in the Modern World
The staff of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of West Ukrainian National University invites everyone to take part in the international discussion platform Finance and Accounting 4.0: Innovations and Global Cooperation in the Modern World within the framework of the Sixth International Week at West Ukrainian National University.
Semester studies at the Nord University!
First Autumn School of European Union Law
Knowledge Day at West Ukrainian National University!
For the third year in a row, Ukrainian educators are celebrating September 1 in the midst of war. But the young men and women are full of faith and enthusiasm as they look forward to their studies, interesting meetings and student life. Parents' eyes glisten with tears as this stage in their lives means letting their daughters and sons fly the nest.
New milestones in cooperation between the Education and Research Institute of Communications and Italian experts
Practical lessons in beach and water sports at the WUNU Education and Research Centre for Recreation and Health!
The Department of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports and the Education and Research Centre of Student Sports conduct practical classes in beach and water sports for students of the study programme ‘Physical Culture and Sports’ at the Educational and Research Centre of Recreation and Health of West Ukrainian National University. WUNU athletes improve their skills and undergo educational, professional and practical training in water and beach sports, namely: canoeing, kayaking, sailing, sailboards, volleyball, handball, badminton, football, rugby, martial arts.
WUNU student is a world champion in junior summer biathlon!
Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!
Studies start at West Ukrainian National University
The International Centre for Culture and Development of WUNU has won a grant from the Visegrad Fund!
The International Centre for Culture and Development of West Ukrainian National University, headed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Olga Tsaryk, will receive a prestigious V4 Gen mini-grant from the Visegrad Fund in cooperation with the NGO ‘Educational and Social Innovations’, the Czech Technical University in Prague and the University of Rzeszow, with the support and co-financing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea in the amount of 10 thousand euros.