Saak Hudratian

 Director of the Yerevan Education and Research Institute
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Contact information:
Теl.: (+37410) 61-22-22,  62-29-59
Address: 31 Acharyan st., Yerevan 0040, Armenia

Yerevan Education and Research Institute



The staff of Yerevan Education and Research Institute of WUNU trains specialists in the following specialities:

  - Management;

  - Tourism;

  - Computer Engineering;

  - Finance, Banking and Insurance (Banking);

  - Accounting and Taxation;

  - Finance, Banking and Insurance (Customs).

  After graduating from Yerevan Education and Research Institute, graduates can hold the following positions: head (manager, director) of businesses of various forms of ownership, state and municipal institutions and organizations; manager of associations of enterprises, institutions, organizations and their divisions; computer systems designer; information security specialist; financier; tax specialist; economic expert; head of hotel, restaurant and tourist complexes; economist; financial manager and financial director; financial analyst and consultant and others.

  Yerevan Education and Research Institute employs highly qualified professionals who have authored numerous scientific works, textbooks and manuals.

  The Institute also organizes student conferences on topical issues, proceedings of which are published in various collections.

  The Institute often organizes various events dedicated to the great poets of Ukrainian and Armenian literature and meetings with representatives of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Armenia.

  Yerevan Education and Research Institute has an affiliated College.

  The staff of the College offers training in the following specialties:
  - Computer Engineering;
  - Accounting and Taxation;
  - Finance, Banking and Insurance.

  College graduates are awarded the Junior Specialist's degree and can continue their studies as 3rd years of the Yerevan Education and Research Institute of WUNU in the same specialty, or 2nd years in case of change of specialty.

If you have any questions аbout:

admission (0037410) 61-22-02, 62-29-69, 61-30-10

organization of the educational process (0037410) 61-22-02, 62-29-69, 61-30-10

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Our contact information:

Address: 31 Acharyan st., Yerevan 0040, Armenia
Phone: (0037410)612202, 622969, 613010