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Graduation ceremony for the graduates of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of WUNU

 A momentous day at West Ukrainian National University: a new generation of Bachelors is ready to conquer the world!

WUNU students at an international volunteer internship

 This summer, Veronika Yakymchuk, Olha Shymko, Oleksandra Hrysyk and Zoriana Boiko, first-year students of the International Economics (EME-11) programme at West Ukrainian National University, visited the heart of Turkey - Istanbul - for a volunteer internship with AIESEC.

Summer School "Leader of Law"

 Recently, participants of the Law Leader Summer School of the Law Faculty of West Ukrainian National University visited the Ternopil Research Forensic Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Students of grades 9-11 from Ternopil and Lviv regions learnt the basics of forensic handwriting examination and technical examination of documents, the weapons research sector and the ballistics sector.

WUNU students took part in the International Interdisciplinary Forum of Science Clubs in Poland

 Students of the Department of Financial Control and Audit of WUNU under the guidance of the Head of the Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor Mykhailo Luchko took part in the International Interdisciplinary Forum of Science Clubs, which was held in Poland by Olsztyn University.


 From 17 to 21 June, a summer youth camp "Smart Camp" was organised for students majoring in Agronomy, Ecological Safety and Environmental Protection, Tourism, Transport Technologies, as well as Food Technologies within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module, Erasmus (Project 101085642 - SSEPRDS - ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH "Smart Specialisation: European experience in regional development strategy"). The organiser - Education and Research Institute of Innovation, Nature Management and Infrastructure of WUNU.

WUNU student received a grade 3 diploma at the XI International Student Research Competition "Credit and Banking System: History, Present and Prospects for Development"

 Mykola Markiv, a 1st year master's student majoring in Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market at the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of West Ukrainian National University, received a grade 3 diploma at the XI International Student Research Competition "Credit and Banking System: History, Present and Prospects for Development".

Bootcamp "Science and Innovations for Ukraine's Reconstruction" for WUNU students!

 Students of WUNU can take part in the bootcamp "Science and Innovations for Ukraine's Reconstruction", which will be held on 8-12 July 2024 in Kyiv with the support of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and the Swedish Institute within the framework of the international project "Resilience of Education: Sustainability and Cooperation for Ukrainian Universities (RESCUU).

International cooperation with Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

 Specialists of the International Centre for Culture and Development and the staff of the Department of Foreign Languages and Information and Communication Technologies organised an online meeting for students of the Business Communications and Translation of West Ukrainian National University with students of Intercultural Communication at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Munich, Germany).

Interactive educational and practical event "Diplomatic Lviv: Places, People, Projects"

 Students and the Head of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy of the Bohdan Havrylyshyn Institute of International Relations, at the invitation of Vasyl Hulai, Head of the Department of International Information of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Basic Sciences of Lviv Polytechnic National University, and Associate Professor Vira Maksymets, took part in an interactive educational and practical excursion "Diplomatic Lviv: Places, People, Projects", conducted by Associate Professor of the Department of International Information of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Liubomyr Khakhula.

Students of WUNU organised "Free and Unconquered" campaign for the second time

 Three blue and yellow flags with the names of Ukrainian cities were installed at the Liberty Square at the initiative of West Ukrainian National University students: one for Lyman, one for Avdiivka, and one for Siversk.