» » Meeting with the Assistant Honorary Consul of the Republic of Senegal in Ukraine

Meeting with the Assistant Honorary Consul of the Republic of Senegal in Ukraine

Дата: 17-02-2022, 13:40 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, students and teachers of the classical university of Ternopil had the opportunity to talk with Liliia Krysovata, the Assistant Honorary Consul of the Republic of Senegal in Ukraine.

The meeting revolved around "Food culture as an influential factor in the development of intercultural relations", because culinary diplomacy helps to establish communication between representatives of individual peoples and unite communities.

During the conversation, ms. Krysovata spoke about culinary traditions that have not lost their relevance in Ukraine, recipes from different parts of our country, reflecting today's gastronomic culture. Finally, young people and teachers took part in an interactive Kahoot game.