» » Congratulations on winning an international competition!

Congratulations on winning an international competition!

Дата: 19-10-2020, 14:14 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On October 17,  the team of Liberta ZUNU Legal Clinic consisting of Viktoria Ivaniuk (Senior Lecturer of the Department of International Law and Migration Policy), Anastasiia Martynevych and Viktoriia Hviazda (4th year students majoring in International Law), as winners of the national stage of the competition, reached the final, where they presented a competitive study "RA v Amazon.com. Inc., A2Z Development Center, Inc. in the matter of right to privacy” and resolved the proposed cases.

As a result, the team won first place in the second stage of "UP"pr oject - an international competition to resolve legal cases on the topic: "Responsible business and human rights."

We commend the organizers for the high level of the competition and the team for a worthy representation of West Ukrainian National University and the Faculty of Law in particular!