» » Participation in the INTRA-2024 Reporting Conference

Participation in the INTRA-2024 Reporting Conference

Дата: 10-04-2024, 09:57 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, Oksana Koval, Director of the Education and Research Institute of Communications of WUNU, spoke at the 12th Annual Reporting Conference of the International Negotiation Training and Research Association (INTRA) at the University of Twente (Enschede, the Netherlands) together with her associate, Anastasia Martynevych, Coordinator of International Activities of the ERIC.

It is gratifying that West Ukrainian National University is the first institution to represent Ukraine in the INTRA network. This open network of scholars and practitioners in the field of negotiation has more than 80 members from Denmark, Austria, Germany, Australia, the USA, Italy, Iceland, Spain, France, Hong Kong, Greece, Canada, Sweden, Japan, the UK, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Poland, and Georgia. The purpose of the meeting is to build and strengthen personal relationships between like-minded colleagues, present the latest research findings and ideas, share experiences in negotiation training and practice, discuss joint research projects, etc.

This year, as a full member of INTRA, prof. Koval was among the top ten speakers from around the world and presented her report "Negotiation in Ukraine: a study of psychological strategies, actions and ethics". In her speech, she presented the results of a scientific study of negotiations through the prism of the Ukrainian researcher Volodymyr Romenets' teaching on the "Great Logic of Action" as a canonical structure of an action in a cyclic sequence of situational, motivational, action and post-action components in an intellectual projection on the participants of the negotiation process.

The meeting at the University of Twente was very pleasant and warm. The Dutch press called it the event of the year, as it brought together the largest number of researchers and negotiation practitioners from around the world.

Sincere gratitude to the founders of INTRA - Peter Kesting and Remy Smolinski for the outstanding organisation of the event, to the speakers for new valuable knowledge and experience, to the students and all participants for the excellent feedback on our presentation, to Dr Hatice Kizgin for a very warm welcome at the University of Twente! Special thanks to the Rector of the Netherlands Business Academy Jan Van Zwieten for his support!