» » WUNU students support wounded soldiers!

WUNU students support wounded soldiers!

Дата: 10-01-2024, 13:50 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 At the initiative of the Law Faculty, students of West Ukrainian National University visited wounded soldiers undergoing treatment.

WUNU students greeted the soldiers with carols and wreaths, and shared the spirit of Christmas with them. The young people expressed their sincere gratitude, respect and wishes to the wounded heroes. To cheer them up a bit and warm our military with love, the students prepared small gifts that they collected with great care.

Such meetings should remind us of the importance of taking care of each other in these difficult times, and of being ready to share what we have. Only together do we become stronger, and this day was an example of how simple things can add a little faith in our peaceful future. We must unite not only on holidays or significant events, but also every day, working tirelessly for the Victory.

Everyone has their own role to play, but only through joint efforts will we win and rebuild everything that has been destroyed, learn to appreciate every minute of life and, most importantly, the people around us.

So let's not be indifferent, let's help the Heroes, let's lighten their hearts!