» » WUNU held a seminar for teachers titled "Immersive Technologies in Education"

WUNU held a seminar for teachers titled "Immersive Technologies in Education"

Дата: 5-01-2024, 14:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Immersive Multifunctional Hub, which operates at West Ukrainian National University, hosted a seminar on Immersive Technologies in Education for teachers of the Ternopil Educational Complex "Secondary School of I-III Degrees - Medical Lyceum No. 15 named after Lesia Ukrainka".

Nazar Ivanitsky, Head of the Digital Transformation Division of WUNU, told the attendees about the opportunities and benefits of the hub and noted: "Each of us needs to improve our digital skills and master innovative technologies, because it is a requirement of modern society!"

Nazar Ivanitsky invited the seminar participants to test the equipment of the immersive multifunctional hub.

After getting acquainted with the equipment and functionality of the immersive multifunctional hub, Tetiana Onyshchuk, a primary school teacher of the highest qualification category with the title of "Teacher-methodologist" at Lesia Ukrainka Secondary School No. 15, said: "Digital transformation is not only about using the latest programs, but also about changing approaches to learning. Educators must improve and acquire new knowledge, be open to modern technologies and actively implement them in pedagogical practice, because today children want to learn in an interesting, creative and informative way."

The participants were able to immerse themselves in augmented reality and take tests by Anima that determine a person's anxiety and depression.

While interacting with the 3D models, Olena Shmihel, a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature of the highest qualification category with the title of "Senior Teacher" at Lesia Ukrainka Secondary School No. 15, noted: "Digital technologies are the education of the future, so we need to popularize innovative pedagogical approaches and develop creativity!"

Such meetings at the hub will be organized on a regular basis, as teachers are interested in cooperation.