» » Let's bring joy to the children!

Let's bring joy to the children!

Дата: 6-12-2023, 11:13 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 It is a tradition for the staff of the Department of Business Analytics and Innovative Engineering of West Ukrainian National University to help orphanages, especially on St Nicholas Day.

On the eve of the holiday, the teachers of the department Olha Zavytii and Mykola Horlachuk visited the Centre for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children, handed over sweets, fruits and other goodies from the faculty of the department to the children.

The institution, which is subordinated to the region, takes care of 17 children aged 5 and up to the age of majority. The main task is to provide children with comprehensive social, psychological, pedagogical, medical, legal and other types of assistance, create conditions for education based on their level of training, and provide labour adaptation for children, taking into account their interests and capabilities.

Let's give children happiness, love and joy!