» » A graduate of the School of Polish and European Law completed an internship at a Warsaw law firm

A graduate of the School of Polish and European Law completed an internship at a Warsaw law firm

Дата: 22-09-2023, 17:35 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Following her studies at the School of Polish and European Law, Viktoriia Liptuha, a student of the Law Faculty of West Ukrainian National University, had the opportunity to complete an internship at Olesiński i Wspólnicy, one of the leading law firms in Warsaw.

Viktoriia notes: "The internship lasted for a month, and during this time I learned from highly qualified lawyers. In addition to acquiring skills in working with procedural documents and regulations of Poland, the internship gave me the opportunity to learn more about Polish law and its practical implementation. I am convinced that the knowledge I have gained will certainly be useful to me in the future and will be applied in Ukrainian law."

Viktoriia also met new people and worked in a team of experienced professionals.