» » WUNU has joined the ORCID consortium

WUNU has joined the ORCID consortium

Дата: 15-11-2023, 13:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique identifier assigned to researchers, authors and other members of the research community to identify and track their academic achievements. The ORCID consortium was established to develop and maintain this identification system and to facilitate the integration of ORCID identifiers into various scholarly systems such as repositories, journals, conferences and databases, facilitating data exchange and providing more accurate information about research achievements.

The ORCID Consortium brings together members of the academic community, such as universities, publishers, and research organisations, to jointly support and develop this identification system. Interaction and cooperation within the consortium helps to improve the effectiveness and widespread implementation of ORCID in research and the academic community in general.

West Ukrainian National University has joined the ORCID consortium to improve the use of unique Open Researcher Identifiers (ORCID IDs) among Ukrainian researchers.

It should be noted that every researcher should update the data on their professional research and development activities to ensure that information about them is reliable in the digital space, both at the national and global levels.