» » Workshop on crisis negotiations and dealing with fear from Swiss expert Cedric Schweizer

Workshop on crisis negotiations and dealing with fear from Swiss expert Cedric Schweizer

Дата: 15-11-2023, 18:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Students of the Psychology of Negotiation and Mediatio" study programme have unique opportunities to gain practical experience from the world's best experts. At the initiative of the new Swiss partner of the ERIC, CEO of Assertive Group Steve Alban Tineo, on 11 November 2023 at 9:00 a.m., the workshop "Crisis negotiations. Fear in the field: How to handle them and how to handle yourself" will be held at the Education and Research Institute of Communications of WUNU.

Invited speaker - Cedric Schweizer (Switzerland), Head of Human Resources Operations at the International Committee of the Red Cross, former Head of the ICRC Field Office in Yemen, co-founder and president of the HUDNA Foundation, Managing Partner of Assertive Group, lawyer, specialising in negotiations with governmental and non-governmental structures in crisis situations, master of negotiation and fear management. Mr Schweizer is regarded as one of the most qualified crisis negotiators and mediators in Europe.

Cedric has worked as a humanitarian worker for over 20 years in conflict zones around the world, negotiating with states and armed groups to access the most vulnerable populations based on universal principles of humane treatment. For over 15 years, he has worked and lived on the frontlines in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. He has led interdisciplinary teams to respond to humanitarian crises and has been responsible for numerous crisis centres in emergencies or cases of kidnapping.

The HUDNA Foundation, which he leads, is established under Swiss law to promote a privileged space for dialogue between state and non-state actors, armed groups, and influential individuals to facilitate negotiated solutions based on universal humanitarian principles. The Foundation has many years of proven experience in crisis management and a network of contacts; facilitating, negotiating and securing the safe release of hostages in complex, tense contexts and political situations.

The students are looking forward to an incredibly interesting workshop, and we invite everyone to join the community of highly qualified specialists and master the skills of negotiation and the art of mediation by enrolling in the new international master's educational and professional programme "Psychology of Negotiation and Mediation", which is offered at the Education and Research Institute of Communications of West Ukrainian National University in cooperation with the Netherlands Business Academy.

The best practices of European and world experts, experienced Ukrainian and foreign lecturers, interactive and flexible learning format, the opportunity to obtain two diplomas and international certificates!

To find out more about the terms of study, please call: +380969795012 or email: nnic@wunu.edu.ua