» » Presentation of the Climate Management Center at WUNU

Presentation of the Climate Management Center at WUNU

Дата: 10-11-2023, 17:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, the Education and Research Institute of Innovation, Nature Management and Infrastructure of West Ukrainian National University has presented the activities of the Climate Management Center, which was established within the framework of the Erasmus+ project "Synergy of Educational, Scientific, Managerial and Industrial Components for Climate Management and Climate Change Prevention / CLIMAN" 619119-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.

The event was attended by the CLIMAN project's chief coordinator, Rector of the Netherlands Business Academy Jan van Zwieten; a member of the CLIMAN project's partner consortium, Head of the Department of Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management at Lviv Polytechnic National University, Professor Myroslav Maliovanyi; students and teachers of the Department of Agribiotechnology, Department of Ecology and Health of WUNU.

Olena Borysiak, project coordinator from WUNU, and Uliana Tkach, centre coordinator, spoke about the purpose and activities of the Climate Management Centre at WUNU. The centre's work is aimed at ensuring the synergy of educational, scientific, managerial and industrial components for climate management and climate change prevention. The main areas of activity of the WUNU Climate Management Centre are: organisation of research in the field of climate management; promotion of the development and strengthening of the institutional capacity of partner universities to develop recommendations for the industrial, transport, energy, agricultural, tourism sectors of the economy and local authorities in the field of climate change prevention; modernisation of curricula by developing new and innovative courses and methodologies with a focus on the interdisciplinary priority of climate change.

During the presentation of the activities of the Climate Management Centre of WUNU, CLIMAN Chief Coordinator Jan van Zwieten presented students majoring in Agronomy and Environmental Safety and Protection with certificates of participation in the international summer school "Technological and Economic Aspects of Climate Change Adaptation Strategy", which was organised at Lviv Polytechnic National University as part of the project.

We sincerely thank all of you for participating in the presentation of the Climate Management Centre at WUNU and invite you to cooperate. Your contribution is important for the development of initiatives aimed at mitigating, preventing and adapting to climate change and raising environmental awareness.

The project is co-financed by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the grantor can be held responsible for them.