» » Online training on stress resistance and emotional intelligence

Online training on stress resistance and emotional intelligence

Дата: 6-11-2023, 16:10 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On 10-11 November, an online workshop on stress resilience and emotional intelligence will be held by Steve Alban Tineo, a Swiss expert in negotiation and mediation, founder and CEO of Assertive Group, a company that researches and practices negotiation, facilitation, leadership and influence (Switzerland).

During the training, you will learn the tools and knowledge necessary to effectively address these issues, as well as valuable know-how for well-being, health and career. In this course, students will learn how to cope with stress and anxiety, what to do if fear affects the quality of your life (fear of not succeeding, fear of being misjudged, fear for your loved ones or for your life...) The circumstances in which we live demonstrate that life is not always as peaceful as we would like it to be.

The course is organised within the framework of the master's programme "Psychology of Negotiation and Mediation" of the Education and Research Institute of Communications of wUNU and is a key to managing your fears and anxieties when faced with various life situations, to regaining control over yourself and maintaining inner peace.