» » Motivational conference from Swiss experts in negotiation and mediation

Motivational conference from Swiss experts in negotiation and mediation

Дата: 30-10-2023, 14:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 "KYF© - Know yourself first! A methodology for surpassing yourself and achieving success". Recently, an extremely interesting event was held at the Education and Research Institute of Communications under this title, hosted by Steve Alban Tineo, a Swiss expert in negotiation and mediation, founder and CEO of Assertive Group, a company for research and practice of negotiation, facilitation, leadership and influence (Switzerland).

The theme of the conference touched on the fundamental idea of self-awareness and self-development. Steve Alban Tineo encouraged participants to approach success through self-discovery, development of inner qualities and improvement of interpersonal skills in order to become more aware, effective, balanced and fulfilled people in a wide range of fields. All attendees had the opportunity not only to learn new methods and techniques, but also to be inspired for further growth and improvement in their personal and professional lives.

The topics covered included the development of emotional intelligence, gender equality and women's empowerment, understanding, managing and expressing emotions, and improving ethical leadership.