» » Graduation of students of the SoftSkill's School

Graduation of students of the SoftSkill's School

Дата: 20-06-2023, 11:22 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of West Ukrainian National University hosted the first graduation ceremony of the SoftSkill`s School, a weekend school for the development of flexible skills.

For 7 months, the boys and girls attended seminars, workshops, and master classes conducted by faculty members and invited guests, and improved their soft skills: communication, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, leadership, creativity, and teamwork, which will help them interact with different people.

Graduates of the school received certificates of completion of the first year of study and will now be able to move on to a new, higher level of training, namely, the development of project skills starting in October 2023.

The meeting was friendly and festive. Oksana Homotiuk, Dean of the Faculty, Olena Stefanyshyn, Viktoria Savitska and Anastasia Yatyshchuk, curators of the school, Slovak scientists and partners addressed the youth.

The first year at SoftSkill's School has come to a successful, joyful and inspiring end.

See you soon!