» » Students of the FSSH - participants of the Erasmus+ programme in Opole

Students of the FSSH - participants of the Erasmus+ programme in Opole

Дата: 27-04-2023, 13:34 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of West Ukrainian National University, majoring in Documentation and Information Studies, Polish Language and Literature and Ukrainian Language and Literature within the Erasmus+ programme, are in Opole (Poland).

The girls have the opportunity to practice in their future field of work. For Marta Skalska, who studies in the DID-31 group, document-related tasks include working in the university repository: compiling articles, scanning, cutting documents, and processing tables. Liliia Yizhak, group SOP-11, translates texts from Polish into Ukrainian and vice versa, creates bilingual presentations and materials for future meetings with Ukrainians.

"Often, the tasks are intertwined and overlap, so we can work together and share experiences with each other. There is a lot of work, but we are inspired by the support of our supervising teachers. If we have any questions, we can always turn to them and figure out how to proceed," says Marta.