» » Selection of students for a semester studying at the University of Lodz

Selection of students for a semester studying at the University of Lodz

Дата: 3-04-2023, 13:49 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Ukrainian-Polish Programme of B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations of WUNU is announcing a call for applications for semester studies at the University of Lodz in 2023-2024.

Please submit the following documents to the coordinator of the Ukrainian-Polish Programme Oleksandr Sohatskyi:

application form
a copy of the individual curriculum (academic record),
a copy of the foreign passport (if available).

Documents will be accepted until April 17.
For more information, please contact the coordinator of the Ukrainian-Polish Program,e by phone 0980844676 or email: uapl.prog@wunu.edu.ua