» » Seminar "Implementation of smart specialization at the local community level: digital case of the program" under the Erasmus+ programme

Seminar "Implementation of smart specialization at the local community level: digital case of the program" under the Erasmus+ programme

Дата: 15-03-2023, 12:20 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, the seminar "Implementation of Smart Specialization at the Local Community Level: Digital Case of the Program" was held at West Ukrainian National University, within the framework of the project 101085642 - SSEPRDS - ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH "Smart Specialization: European Experience of Regional Development Strategy", under the Erasmus+ programme (Jean Monnet).

The event was aimed at expanding public knowledge on the implementation of the European experience of applying the principles of smart specialization developed by the European Union to intensify structural changes in the regional economy, and to shape the development of regional potential for effective functioning in major world markets.

The organizer is the Education and Research Institute of Innovation, Nature Management and Infrastructure of WUNU. Project coordinator: Petro Putsenteilo, Professor of the Department of Business Analytics and Innovation Engineering at WUNU.

The event was attended by more than 80 participants, including university students and the institute's faculty.

The seminar participants discussed the application of the SMART specialization strategy in Europe, Ukraine, and the Ternopil region. The consensus was that smart specialization is a new model of regional and interregional partnership that has significant potential for regional development. The experience gained by European regions to date, along with current cohesion policy programs and pilot projects, should be comprehensively studied and implemented to ensure sustainable development of Ukraine's regions and improved living conditions for households.

The project is funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the grantor can be held responsible for them.