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Win a scholarship!

Дата: 9-02-2023, 15:25 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 At the initiative of Professor Jan van Zwieten, Director of the School of Negotiation and Mediation of the Education and Research Institute of Communications, an annual patronage scholarship will be introduced for talented students of the Master's Degree Programme in Negotiation and Mediation Psychology.

Among the selection criteria:

- high academic performance;
- active engagement in the Institute's activities and program development;
- participation and prizes in competitions and contests in negotiation and mediation;
- availability of scientific publications;
- participation in international conferences;
- knowledge of English;
- high level of practical skills acquired during the first semester of study, availability of relevant certificates, etc.

We are confident that such goodwill initiatives of our benefactors will encourage the students of the programme to study fruitfully and will be a good motivational guide for applicants, as today negotiation and conflict-free communication skills are essential for professionals in any field.

There are also plans to introduce a "Teacher of the Year!" scholarship for the most talented and charismatic teachers of the programme.