» » Participate in an international conference!

Participate in an international conference!

Дата: 26-12-2022, 12:54 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On May 26, the international conference "Innovative Solutions for Managing the Economy in an International Crisis Scenario" will be held in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), co-organized by the Department of Economics and Economic Theory of WUNU.

Scientific sections of the conference include:
- Economic Policy and road to "new normal" economy,
- Balancing economic growth and climate changes,
- Population economics and Sustainability,
- World issues like climate change, immigration, and inequality (gender inequalities, digital inequalities, etc.).

We invite teachers and postgraduate students of WUNU to submit materials for participation in the conference and publication of scientific articles in economic journals indexed in Scopus. Conditions of participation are available on the website https://conference.oikosinstitut.org
For all organizational issues, contact Prof. Oleksandr Dlugopolsky (dlugopolsky77@gmail.com)