» » Cooperation with Israel Trauma Coalition

Cooperation with Israel Trauma Coalition

Дата: 20-12-2022, 12:54 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On December 20, a cooperation agreement was signed between the West Ukrainian National University and the Israeli Trauma Coalition.

Director of the Israeli Trauma Coalition Talia Levanon and Rector of WUNU Andriy Krysovatyy agreed on the establishment of bilateral cooperation in the scientific field, on the development of international, educational and informational directions of collaboration, on organizing and holding conferences, symposiums and implementing joint projects.

The Trauma Coalition was established in 2002 to use the collective knowledge and experience of Israel's leading academic institutions and government organizations in trauma care. Initially, the focus was on direct medical care, but the organization has expanded the range of services to address issues in the area of trauma, which include: professional training, increasing the stress resistance of the community and ensuring preparedness for emergency situations in the country.

Thanks to the accumulated experience, the Israeli Trauma Coalition reached the international level. Specialists from the organization train Ukrainian educators and volunteers to provide assistance to citizens who are affected by stress.