» » WUNU teachers completed internships at Marmara University

WUNU teachers completed internships at Marmara University

Дата: 7-12-2022, 09:56 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 As part of the Erasmus+ international academic mobility project, from November 27 to December 3, associate professors of the Department of Foreign Languages and ICT of West Ukrainian National University Svitlana Rybachok, Inna Shylinska and Lilia Shtokhman completed an internship at Marmara University in Istanbul (Turkey).

The teachers got acquainted with the educational, methodological
and research work of the University of Marmara, in patricular in the field of translation.

Undoubtedly, such exchanges improve the personal and professional development of teachers, contribute to the understanding of the educational environment in the international context, strengthening intercultural competence and the development of international academic cooperation.