» » Students majoring in "Business Communications and Translation" talked to the youth of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Students majoring in "Business Communications and Translation" talked to the youth of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Дата: 2-12-2022, 14:04 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Informal studies of WUNU students are rich and diverse. Students majoring in "Business Communication and Translation" have recently had a chance to meet and chat with their peers from the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (South Korea).

Maksym Husak, a 2nd-year student, shared his impressions: "Today was very unusual, socially speaking. We had spoken a lot of German and had talked with young men and women from Eastern countries before, but this was the first time we had the experience of talking with South Korean students. Learning a language is cool, and practicing it is even better. We talked about culture, travel, pets, national cuisines, life hacks for learning German, and also joked around. But the main thing is that we felt a lot of support."

The students added: "For us, this is a motivation to continue learning foreign languages, because we were inspired by such a pleasant dialogue. We express our gratitude to Christian Horn and Olga Tsaryk for organizing the meeting of three cultures. We look forward to the next ones!"