» » Practical seminar for students of the "Agronomy" educational programme

Practical seminar for students of the "Agronomy" educational programme

Дата: 20-10-2022, 10:57 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, a practical seminar was held at the Ternopil branch of the Ukrainian Institute of Varieties Examination for bachelor's and master's students of the "Agronomy" educational programme.

The experts talked about asessing the condition of winter crops before the end of the growing season, monitoring the phytosanitary condition of winter crops, determining the elements of the crop structure and grain quality indicators of late spring crops, developing plants of winter crops during the autumn vegetation and their overwintering, which is an important for yields and grain quality, crops with optimal parameters of above-ground biological mass, photosynthetic area of ​​the leaf apparatus, etc.

The event took place with the participation of the director of the TF UIESR, Ivan Dudnyk, and the deputy director, Volodymyr Mokrytskyi. Young men and women familiarized themselves with the main areas of activity of the institution, carried out an assessment of the state of crops of winter peas, winter rapeseed and winter cereals (barley, wheat, rye, triticale) in order to determine the phenological phases of plant growth and development, the density of sowing, the content of chlorophyll in the leaves of grain crops using the N-tester device of Jara Ukraine.

Students were also able to determine the moisture content of soybeans in field and warehouse conditions and establish the main quality indicators of winter wheat: protein, carbohydrate, fat content. The youth got acquainted with selection samples of equipment for sowing, crop care, harvesting, primary and secondary cleaning of grain.

Separately, they discussed the issue of constant monitoring of winter cereal crops regarding the sugar content in the nodes of the tillers during the autumn-winter growing season. The seminar took place in the mode of dialogue and discussion of the mentioned issues, which allowed the students to get the necessary additional information for the educational process and its practical application.

We are sincerely grateful to the staff of the Ternopil Branch of the Ukrainian Institute of Varieties for the opportunity to gain useful knowledge and skills. We hope for further close cooperation.