» » WUNU - one of the top Ukrainian universities!

WUNU - one of the top Ukrainian universities!

Дата: 25-08-2022, 11:17 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 West Ukrainian National University rose to the high 14th place in the ranking among 185 Ukrainian institutions of higher education. We are proud that the classical university of Ternopil is among the leading Ukrainian universities!

The UniRank University Ranking (4ICU) is an international non-academic ranking that examines the quality of presentation and popularity of the world's universities in the web space. The rating is recorded since 2005, evaluating the popularity of more than 11 thousand institutions of higher education in the world and 185 institutions of higher education in Ukraine according to the popularity of their web resources. It helps international students, teachers and researchers to find out how popular a certain institution of higher education is in a particular country. UniRank produces a non-academic ranking table of the best universities based on valid, unbiased web metrics provided by independent web analytics sources.