» » Binary lecture blending theory and practice

Binary lecture blending theory and practice

Дата: 26-05-2022, 17:13 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Faculty of Finance and Accounting of West Ukrainian National University actively involves outside stakeholders in the educational process and uses modern methods of teaching financial disciplines.

A binary lecture on "Budget System" was held for 3rd year students of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting. The event was held in the mode of a dialogue between two parties: teachers-theorists Zoryana Lobodina and Svitlana Savchuk (professors of S. Yuriy Department of Finance) and practitioner Oksana Yarish (director of the Center for Social Services of Baykovets Village Council), responsible for organizing the implementation of the gender component in the activities of local government, including gender budgeting.

Young men and women also took part in the round table "Ensuring the stability of the budget system and budget policy under martial law", which presented the results of their projects on the functioning of local budgets, domestic and foreign experience in formulating and implementing fiscal policy.