» » XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "Economic and Social Development of Ukraine in the 21st Century: National Vision and Challenges of Globalization"

XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "Economic and Social Development of Ukraine in the 21st Century: National Vision and Challenges of Globalization"

Дата: 17-05-2022, 18:09 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "Economic and Social Development of Ukraine in the 21st Century: National Vision and Challenges of Globalization" took place at West Ukrainian National University. The goal of the conference is to unite young scientists from different parts of Ukraine and abroad in order to exchange scientific achievements and encourage lively discussions. This year, the scientific event was of special importance because it united everyone working towards victory and developing innovative measures for the postwar reconstruction of Ukraine and the development of international cooperation of young scientists.

It is gratifying that despite the mixed format of the conference, the young scientists presented their scientific papers on management, digital economics, international economics, international economics and law, accounting and auditing, finance, marketing, and computer information technology. Participants joined from Poland (Jagiellonian University), Belgium (Ghent University), Austria (European Law Institute), Germany (University of Münster), Italy (University Institute of European Studies), the Netherlands (The Hague University of Applied Sciences), USA (Catholic University), and China.

We are glad that young scientists from Kharkiv National University of Economics named after S. Kuznets, Kyiv National University of Economics named after Vadym Hetman, Odessa National University of Economics, National University "Odessa Law Academy", Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, and the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering joined the scientific discussions.

After the plenary session, the conference participants continued to share their scientific achievements in the following thematic sections:
- world economy in the 21st century: transformation of geopolitical interests, geoeconomic strategies and problems of supranational regulation;
- creation of an effective model of enterprise management;
- the role of finance in economic growth: functional determinism and development models;
- digital economy as a modern challenge of changing values ​​and guidelines;
- international standards and problems of unification of accounting, analysis and audit;
- innovations of legal and social sciences in the European integration space.