» » WUNU will represent Ukraine in the international educational project Global Case Study Challenge!

WUNU will represent Ukraine in the international educational project Global Case Study Challenge!

Дата: 22-09-2021, 13:03 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 West Ukrainian National University cares not only about students' day-to-day lives, but also about the success of graduates in the future. "The Global Skills Gap in the 21st Century" report by the Institute of Student Employers states that the skills most underdeveloped by higher education institutions are problem-solving, resilience, communication, data analysis and leadership skills.

The Global Case Study Challenge (#GCSC) is an intercultural digital business education project that creates a unique opportunity for personal and professional development. Teachers and students from 22 universities in 15 countries of the world come together for experimental educational exchange, modeling of the world market and joint search of new business solutions on the principles of sustainable development. Working online in international teams under the guidance of professors from different countries, communicating exclusively in English, young people will develop their cultural awareness and digital competencies, gain new knowledge in international business.

This project combines higher education institutions and business schools in Europe, Asia and America, but Ukraine is taking part for the first time, and we are happy that the classical university of Ternopil is the trailblazer for this project!

Team members were selected during the Third International Week according to several criteria, namely personal motivation, responsibility and level of English proficiency. Congratulations to the Ukrainian GCSC team: Anna Burchyk, Inna Chornii, Nykyta Demianiuk, Viktoriia Helyas, Maksym Husak, Yana Levytska, Khrystyna Mundiak, Iryna Myshka, Yuliia Romanchak, Oleksandr Romanskyi, Anna-Maria Starytska, Diana Sadokhina.