» » International Discussion Platform "Global Dimensions of Countries in the Post-Pandemic World"

International Discussion Platform "Global Dimensions of Countries in the Post-Pandemic World"

Дата: 26-04-2021, 17:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations of West Ukrainian National University hosted the First International Discussion Platform "Global Dimensions of the Development of Countries in the Postpandemic World", which brought together six departments of the institute and scientists and practitioners from 10 countries, including Ukraine.

The participants discussed the transformation of political processes, current trends in the global economy, business communications of the 21st century, regional policy in Europe, dialogues, confrontations and challenges of international relations, prospects for tourism and hotel and restaurant industry in the postpandemic world.

The platform is a new type of event that brings together teachers, students, foreign partners from educational institutions and practitioners, both from Ukraine and abroad.

Thank you to the participants for a meaningful discussion and participation. Despite the pandemic, we are able to unite around common ideas and to solve problems.

We look forward to next year in April and the 2nd International Discussion Platform!