For international students

English language Program “International Economics”

The Programme is a structural unit within the B. D. Havrylyshyn Educational and Research Institute of International Economic Relations at TNEU, designed to prepare specialists in International Economics. The programme offers training for citizens of Ukraine and foreign countries. Training professionals according to international standards sets additional requirements for the program. The course leads to Bachelor's and Master's degrees. The students who wish to continue their studies can enroll in the PhD programmes of the University.
Education across Borders
The study at the Programme offers an opportunities:
  • to not only learn the nuances of foreign economic activity, but also to master English and at least one other European language (French, German, etc). Language training can be organized as an intensive course of training if the student's initial level of foreign language is insufficient;
  • to gain the skills necessary to work according to standards of international companies. In addition to regular study courses, the students are offered fundamental and applied training in the theory and practice of international trade, economy of foreign countries, principles of foreign economic policy and pricing.
  • to undergo traineeships in both Ukrainian and foreign companies. The area of activity for our specialists includes organizational, managerial and analytical work in the representative offices and branches of foreign companies in Ukraine and abroad; working on joint investment, trade, economic, and tourism projects together with foreign partners; providing support for activity of joint ventures, investment and tourism companies and banks; organizational and managerial providing of hotel, restaurant, and service business; realizing foreign language and history study tours, translation services, etc.


The area of professional activity for a graduate bachelor includes practical and research activities in the field of international and Europe economics, Police and Crisis Management.
Duration: 3 years 10 months.
Bachelor of International Economics in direction is trained to perform the following professional tasks:

  • Organizing processes of international economic activity management: to develop international trade, financial, research and development, and investment policies at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels; to elaborate and implement early warning systems for analysis of economic indicators and external environment for timely identification of the risks and crisis tendencies in the economy; to elaborate anti-crisis policy measures; to carry out marketing research onto international markets.
  • Analyzing international economic activity: to track, evaluate and analyze major economic indicators of enterprise's international economic activity; to form mechanisms and analyze the effectiveness of international cooperation; to identify and assess risks of international economic activity and determine the acceptable level of risk in international export-import, exchange rate, finance and credit operations.
  • Elaborating managerial decisions for preventing and solving crisis situations in international economic activity: to determine effective strategy of international economic activity of an enterprise or a country taking into account existing risks; to develop measures of anti-crisis regulation of the state, regions, and enterprises.
  • Controlling international economic activity: to collect information and control the process of managing cash flows, incomes, investments, and corporate capital in the area of international relations.

The area of professional activity for a graduate master includes practical and research activities in the field of international economics, including diagnostics of international economic activity at various levels
Duration: 1 year 4 months.
Master of International Economics with professional orientation in International Tourism is prepared to perform the following professional tasks:

  • To elaborate operational and prospective plans of international economic activity: to develop and implement economic development strategies of countries, regions and enterprises; to elaborate international trade, finance, research and development, and investment policies on macro-, meso- and micro-levels; to perform search for foreign partners and conclusion of contracts, carry out marketing research in the field of international tourism.
  • To provide for effective international economic activity of enterprises, regions and the state: to perform analytical calculations, to develop and substantiate innovation and investment projects; to prepare managerial decisions concerning investment, finance and credit, and foreign currency operations in international tourism.
  • To elaborate managerial decisions in international economic activity: to develop strategic and tactical measures for providing competitiveness of the tourist company and its product; to generate innovative strategic decisions.
  • To control international economic activity: to systematize information relating to implementation of managerial decisions in international economic activity; to control the process of cash flow, income, investment, and equity management of enterprises.



Information and Contacts

Tel: (0352) 47-50-75